Telephone (+44) 0191 5109206
What is below may apply – someday in the near (or distant) future! However as time passes I am less likely to be ‘giving talks’.
Tried and tested talks for family historians based on published books;
‘Tracing WW1 ancestors – some case study examples’
‘The Origins of British Sport and tracing sporting ancestors’
An evening of song and music with popular traditional songs and tunes played on a variety of instruments – many of the songs ‘old favourites’ from the north east of England
A 60s night – songs from the charts in the 1960s – with guitar
The following educational projects can be accessed by contacting me (no cost involved).
- Much More than Match stalks – L S Lowry and Sunderland( Museum)
- Singing Histories Sunderland ( Library and Schools)
- When Northern Saints Go Marching In (Schools)
- Sea related Projects – Nelson’s Navy (Schools), Fishing (Museum), Sea Shanties (Museum) and Pirates (Keith).
- Oh, Me Lads – the Victorian North East through Song ( Schools)*
- Sport and Song – cross curricular Sport, Biology, Music and Creativity (Keith)
- Greeks, Romans and Tudors – mini projects on each ( including 6 Wives of Henry VIII) (Keith)
- What Happened to the Ponies? – 20th century Durham coal through song ( Keith and the late Jim Moreland)
- F Pit Songs ( written with and for children 2003 -16)
- Working on the Railway – one general project and a specific project on George Hudson ( Museum)
I can also incorporate a project on the general history of Sunderland based on my best-selling (and still available) Children’s History of Sunderland (Hometown World Books). P.S. I no longer make money from sales so I am not touting for business!
There is also a singing project called Sport and the Body – cross curricular P.E., Science and Music successfully trialled in a Northumbrian School
There is also a collection of tunes I have written – mostly in the traditional style (jigs, reels, hornpipes etc.) which may be of use to school bands.